Anyone who's been forced to pull an all-nighter knows just how drained these sleepless nights can leave you feeling. For many doctors, moonlit shifts aren't an unusual occurrence.
Whether you're taking on late-night shifts during your residency or you find yourself slotted in for the long haul – every medical professional needs to know how to survive these sleepless stints. Especially when you consider lives could be on the line. We've gathered some tips to combat sleepy eyes and drowsy minds.
1. Set a more regular sleeping pattern
The human body responds well to regular sleep/wake cycles. This concept is often referred to as anchor sleep. Following this technique you'll aim to log the same four hours of sleep every day with the option to add hours on before or after.
So if your anchor hours are 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. you must absolutely be asleep then but can sleep in as late as 10 p.m. or hit the sack as early as 11 a.m. Whatever method you choose, it's all about regularity and getting yourself into a routine.
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Optimising sleep for night shifts: A visual summary of a sleep strategy #BMJInfographic @will_s_t
— The BMJ (@bmj_latest) March 4, 2018
2. Take a hot shower before your shift
Caffeine isn't the only thing that can give you a quick burst of energy. Taking a hot shower right before your shift will give you the extra jolt you need to head into the hospital and take on your shift with gusto.
3. Prepare healthy snacks ahead of time
We know it's tempting to grab fast food when you're still half-asleep but it's only going to make you more tired. And a bag of chips from the vending machine certainly won't give you the energy you need to last throughout your shift.
When you know you have a night shift prepare yourself ahead of time. Eat a light dinner before heading into the hospital and bring some bite-size snacks in with you. Things like almonds, yoghurt, fresh fruits and veggie sticks are perfect for a quick boost.
4. Keep moving
Staying active during your breaks will fight off the sleepiness. Try taking a walk to the cafeteria or climbing some stairs with one of your coworkers. Moving around will re-energise you and keep away the sleepy thoughts.
The night shift isn't always easy but it doesn't have to be unbearable. With the right tips in your corner, you can breeze through those graveyard hours just as easily as the rest.