It’s normal to have a hard time with change, as our brains naturally have an adverse reaction to the unknown. What really matters is how you deal with change when it’s staring you in the face.
In fact, effectively dealing with change is a critical survival skill in the professional world. If you don’t adapt to new ways of doing things, you risk being left behind.
What really matters is how you deal with change when it’s staring you in the face.
This is especially true when taking on new locum assignments. You’re in a new hospital with new rules and new faces – change is the name of the game. So how can locum doctors learn to embrace all the new things going on around them? Let’s dive into some top tips for mastering the art of professional change.
1. Leave your ego at the door
More often than not, the biggest roadblock to change is your own ego. Most people prefer to do things in the way they think is best and new ideas are met with apprehension.
This isn’t really an option when it comes to taking on a new locum assignment. You need to jump into change headfirst. Take the time to recognise areas where you might be particularly sceptical about change and take proactive measures to avoid this hesitance.
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— Careers Connections (@careersconnects) November 3, 2017
2. Take the time to understand what exactly is changing
Clarity on what is going to be changing can do a lot to lessen anxiety. Before you head off to your locum assignment, book in some time to talk to your direct manager at the new facility.
Use this conversation to get a feel for what will be different for you, then give yourself some time to process it. Understanding the new experiences you will encounter can fend off some of the fear associated with the unknown.
3. Embrace failure
Perhaps the most useful tool in better embracing change is learning that failure is okay. In fact, failing is a good thing – as long as you learn from these experiences.
Taking on new processes and procedures is a big task and no one is expecting you to ace everything on the first go. Give yourself room to make mistakes and don’t be hard on yourself when you don’t get it quite right. Fear of change stems largely from fear of failure. Once we let go and allow ourselves room to fail, we lose a lot of our hesitance to change.
Taking on a new locum doctor job is an exciting opportunity, the quicker you learn to embrace change, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy the experience. To learn more about the locum experience, download our locum guide to Australia today!